Agency assignment: To support Procida as Italian Capital of Culture 2022, as the main sponsor. A major opportunity to highlight the link between the brand and its roots, through a cultural showcase in dialog with the island – a sponsorship that comes from the heart, rather than from the data.

- Art Director: Andrea Magno
- Copywriter: Teresa De Bello
- Graphic Designer: Lorenzo De Angelis
- Direttori Creativi: Mariano Lombardi, Anna Di Cintio
- Illustratrice: Claudia Bartoli
- Artista Opera Luminosa: Domenico Pellegrino
- Chief Creative Officer: Paola Manfroni
- General Manager: Giovanna Ridenti
- Videomaker "Making of": Claudio Giordano
- Produzione Video Inaugurazione: Wale Studio
- Fotografa Inaugurazione: Giovanna Di Lisciandro
- Motion Graphic Designer: Emanuele Sabetta
- Account Director: Arianna Menghi
- Account Team: Vanessa Carrieri, Alessandro Mettimano
- Digital Strategist: Domenico D'Elia
- Social Media Manager: Stefano Bizzarri
*Proprietà di Barilla. Vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale.