2022 – Agency assignment: Grancereale lands on social media to become an ambassador for a more
sustainable lifestyle. But how to go from being a lead brand on TV to a lead brand on digital as well? By
starting a conversation with a conscious community through inspirations of indulgent yet respectful
breakfasts and tips on how to live a life of pleasure and wellness at the same time.

- CCO: Paola Manfroni
- Direttori Creativi: Mariano Lombardi Anna Di Cintio
- Art Director: Maria Piccinini
- Copywriter: Camilla Valle Porlezza
- Digital Strategist: Domenico D’Elia
- Social Media Manager: Stefano Bizzarri
- General manager: Giovanna Ridenti
- Account Director: Dadà Isola
- Account Digital: Alessandro Mettimano
- Digital Content Creator: Anagramma
- Designer Pack: Pietro Bindi Luca Morello Alice Durante
- Photographer: LSD s.r.l.