2019, now – Agency assignment: evolve the 1st ever national and largest brand-purpose campaign “il mese della prevenzione / the month of dental prevention” engaging consumers across social channels, dentists’ studios and the retail landscape. “ Il mese della prevenzione ” is the brand-mission project to connect to people and build a strong relationship with professionals.

Mentadent's Prevention Month 40th anniversary, October 2020: celebratory logo identity, company statement, web video and social networks communications.

Mentadent's 39th Prevention Month, October 2019: visual identity, web video and social networks communications development.

- Creative Directors: Paola Manfroni Assunta Squitieri
- Designer: Andrea Magno Lorenzo Morelli
- Copywriter: Carolina Palombo
- Account Team: Manuela Morpurgo, Maria Teresa Ubertis, Michele Bonetta
- Production and Photo: CaroselloLab