Agency assignment: Grancereale’s range of cereal bars is enriched with new flavors and so should its visual identity. The pack evolves showing us a tribal and colorful motif that embraces Grancereale’s unprocessed character, while a dynamic representation of the whole ingredients let us “feel” the taste and crunchiness of these new mixes.

- Senior Designer: Pietro Bindi
- Designer: Chiara Leone
- Copywriter: Camilla Valle Porlezza
- Account: Dadà Isola Laura Squintani
- Creative Director: Anna Di Cintio
- Chief Creative Officer: Paola Manfroni
- General Manager: Giovanna Ridenti
- Fotografo: Food Pirate Studios Enrico Caputo
*Proprietà di Barilla. Vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale.